Mercedes-Benz Begins Marketing Campaign On Sustainability |
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, after a taking an extended four-day weekend we
are indeed back, bringing you the wholesome Mercedes-flavored goodness
you've come to know and love. First up comes word that Mercedes-Benz is
launching a new international advertising campaign under the theme of
'sustainability,' coinciding with the launch of BLUETEC passenger
vehicles in Europe. The new marketing campaign, which features a variety
of print ads, a television commercial and a new online campaign, will
begin by showcasing the forthcoming E300 BLUETEC - a model set to market
its market debut in December 2007. In mid-2008 the sustainability
campaign will then be extended to showcase additional vehicles and
developments related to Mercedes-Benz' activities, all of which will be
combined under the heading 'TrueBlueSolutions.' Read more